Momose Limited Model Gallery

This page is an archive of limited edition models produced for our own events such as the “Deviser Special Showcase Event” and the “Deviser One Day Guitar Show”, as well as for events sponsored by other companies. Please take a look at the models with exotic woods, special finishes, elaborate inlay designs, and other unique craftsmen’s designs.

※All models shown on this page are limited production items and the prices listed are those at the time of release. (We do not offer made-to-order products at the same price.

2024 Deviser Special Showcase

2024 Shinshu Guitar Festival 2023 Returns

2023 Deviser One Day Guitar Show

2023 Guitar Lovers Tokyo Event

2023 Fukuoka Guitar Show

2023 Guitar Lovers Sendai Event

Shinshu Guitar Festival(2023)

2023 Deviser Special Collection (大商談会)

2022 Deviser Special Collection (大商談会)

2021 Deviser One Day Guitar Show

Shinshu Guitar Festival(2021)

Fukuoka Guitar Show(2021)

2021 Deviser Special Collection (大商談会)

2020 One Day Guitar Show

2020 Shinshu Guitar Festival

2020 Deviser Special Collection (商談会)

2019 One Day Guitar Show

2019 Deviser Special Collection (商談会)

2018 Instrument Fair

2018 Deviser Special Collection (商談会)

2017 Deviser Special Collection (商談会)

2016 Instrument Fair

2016 Deviser Special Collection (商談会)

2015 Sound Messe

2014 Instrument Fair